A is for April and Autism Awareness

April is Autism Awareness month…and this one is a bit near and dear to me as one of our daughters has autism. The thing about autism…each person who is autistic can be different from the next person. Not everyone exhibits the same characteristics of this crazy condition. That’s part of what makes it such a difficult condition to manage/treat/cure….because there are so many characteristics and pieces that make up the spectrum of autism.

April 2nd is World Autism Day…and many around the world will “Light It Up Blue” in support to shine light on autism. Turn on a blue light, wear blue, Follow Autism Speaks on Facebook to see all the places and organizations that will be participating (so many great ones! Niagara Falls, Empire State Building, Trafalgar Square and so many more)….and you can hashtag your own photos with #liub to show your support as you “go blue” on April 2nd.

This year, to help raise awareness and show support for all who are touched by autism, I designed a coffee sleeve that features a puzzle piece. This coffee sleeve features a grey base and you can choose from the primary colors for your puzzle piece.

To order yours, click on the photo below……..

autism awareness cozy



For more information on autism, check out some of these sites:


A portion of the proceeds of these sleeves will be donated to an autism charity.



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